For years, I’ve described myself as a part-time photographer. I retired from the day job iin 2023 and am somewhat part-time in my photographic endeavrs and I am also a professional buisiness/life coach and also am studying music.
I shoot almost everything and anything I see, but I have a particular fondness for flowers and nature. In the past, macrophotography of flowers was very accessible and fit into my schedule. With my retirement, my camera accompanies me on my various travels and activities. 2025 will have me taking trips to the Delmarva peninsula, Albania and Italy (Puglia region), Ohio, West Virginia, and western NC. Hopefully, i will find time between trips to kayak and get shots of various birds and other creatures near the water.
More recently, i have honed my skills as a people photographer. I enjoy interacting with people and capturing their spirit in an image. In the last couple years, i have done hundreds of portrait and headshots at conferences and for individuals. Although not alway necessary, I can edit and have produced polished images that have appeared on websites and trade publications.
I mainly shoot with Nikon cameras and lenses, although I also have a Fuji Xt-5 and XT-4 for some of my outdoor adventures. All of my cameras are digital and mirrorless. The technology has improved enormously over the years. Of course, the most important part of photography is the vision of the artist.